It can be a lot more economical than you think! Fees are negotiable depending on many variables but are based around £1200 for a 'standard' orchestra of strings plus wind (5:4:3:2:1+ keyboard, 2 oboes and / or flutes, 1 bassoon). We always use a recognised specialist professional leader and expert continuo section, as these are key to a fine baroque performance.
Reduced fees may be possible for charitable or fundraising events and additional charges will be necessary for an augmented orchestra, for instance with brass and timpani, extended travelling or other exceptional requirements and for busy times of the year when players are in great demand and get quickly booked up (such as Easter and Christmas). The hire of keyboard instruments is most often additional.
Choirs tell us they have been delighted with the quality and experience of working with Linden Baroque, having endured variable results with ‘pick-up’ bands in the past. They invariably find the experience of performing with a period instrument band inspiring and enlightening.
The orchestra is also available for festivals, special events, filming or promotional work. High quality baroque music, chosen and performed to your exact specifications, would add class and atmosphere!

Steps to Hiring:
We prefer to plan at least 6 months ahead, more if those notorious 'pinch points' of Christmas and Easter are involved, as we need to book the best players. At other times we may be able to fit in concerts at shorter notice depending on the details.
We rehearse ourselves to concert standard - we can just turn up on the day but you are most welcome to take one or more rehearsals yourself, especially with choir and / or soloists as we do like to work with conductors where possible, to make it a memorable performance!
1. Please make an initial contact on the Booking Enquiry form letting us know a) the date of the concert and any fixed rehearsals you may wish to take incl. any additional continuo times with soloists b) the programme c) the venue d) the size of choir e) the size of band you envisage (considering balancing the choir, size of venue, space for the band and whether professional soloists or from the choir).
2. We can pencil in a date to hold it pending further discussions to allow us to accurately price the event.
3. Once a price has been agreed we send a short contract and ask for a small non-returnable deposit in order to fix the date and allow us to start booking players.
4. We need to agree the logistics later on.
5. Full payment is within 2 weeks of the performance.
Factors needed to set the price:
1. Programme (scoring, special instruments and notorious solos requiring specialist players).
2. Continuo section (organ +/- harpsichord, additional theorbo).
3. Music - edition, source of parts (hiring?), planned cuts or special order and selection of movements.
4. Travel and distance, instrument transport (esp. keyboard).
5. Concert start and finish time.
Logistic to be discussed nearer the time
1. Music to players in advance (and prior to leader to mark parts) - minimum three weeks before the concert if you are arranging this. Plus, if you are not taking an early rehearsal, to give some indication of tempi or special instructions to our leader (we'll put you in touch).
2. Rehearsal address and directions and timings: players in and out schedule, esp. wind to avoid excessive hanging around.
3. Parking availability (rehearsal and concert).
4. Dress code (men and women!).
5. Music Stands (rehearsals and concert).
6. Lighting (concert).
7. Heating or other conditions (rehearsal and concert)
8. Rehearsal interval catering arrangements.
9. Changing and toilet details (concert).
10. Concert interval arrangements.